
Class 1 Fire Apparatus Repair Parts - Gauges, Electronics, Plumbing Components > Class 1 Gauges

Various types of Pressure Gauges for the fire service, including, Dry, Liquid Filled, Lighted and Duplex.

Class 1 gauges in 2.5", 3.5", 4.5" and 6" sizes are "Made in the USA" by people who provide unmatched integrity and the finest service to firefighters and emergency personnel. Class 1 is recognized for innovations such as our liquid-filled pressure gauges with patented freeze proof SUB-Z isolator.

The Class 1 digital pressure gauge includes large super bright digits for excellent readability in all types of emergency situations. Compact size reduces space needs on a pump panel. Wires transmit signals from a transducer to the display so there is no water sensing lines to freeze up and cause problems.

Duplex gauges should be used when two different pressures need to be monitored on a single gauge such as balanced pressure foam systems or Class "A"  foam systems with both air and water pressures.

Certified Gauges for NFPA Testing

LED Back Lit Gauges available in various LED colors.

2 1/2" Liquid Filled Stem Mount Gauges

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